Low-Level Laser Therapy
Low-level laser therapy is the application of red and near infrared light over injuries or wounds to improve soft tissue healing and relieve both acute and chronic pain. Medex lasers use light energy to direct bio-simulative light energy to the body’s cells without injuring or damaging them.
This therapy is precise and accurate, offering safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions. This increase in energy levels helps the cells to function properly and improve your body’s healing capabilities. As a result, your body is able to heal itself in a shorter period of time.
Some of the unique healing effects of laser therapy include:
Increased cell metabolism
Improved localized blood circulation
Development of collagen and muscle tissue
Relief from acute and chronic pain
Reduced localized inflammation and swelling
Stimulation for wound healing and tissue repair
Stimulation of the immune system
Stimulation of nerve function
The Advantages of Low-Level Laser Therapy:
Easily applied
Highly effective
No known negative side effects
Research demonstrates that laser therapy can be used to effectively treat many conditions including:
Chronic and acute pain reduction
Soft tissue injuries
Skin injuries and irritations
Healing diabetic foot ulcers
Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis injuries
Bursitis, swelling, bruising
Post surgical healing of scars, incision site and pain, swelling, bruising
Muscle strains, tendon or ligament tears
Sprains of the ankle and other places
Foot pain (metatarsalgia, etc.)
Plantar fasciitis – heel spurs
Achilles tendonitis
Muscle spasms or tension
Before starting treatment, you should be properly assessed to determine whether or not laser therapy is the best way to deal with your specific problem.