Injection Therapy
Our office offers injection therapy to treat acute, sub acute and chronic pain. Injection therapy can be used for different reasons and in various parts of the foot. It can also be used on its own to treat the problem or in combination with other treatment modalities.
Cortisone Injections
Cortisone is a strong anti-inflammatory medication used to treat inflammation and pain in both soft tissue and joints. In our office, we use corticosteroid injection therapy to treat different conditions of the foot including:
Bursitis (inflammation of a bursa)
Tendonitis (a tendon irritation/inflammation)
Ligament inflammation (ankle sprains)
Plantar fasciitis
Ganglionic cysts
Scars ( keloid scars)
Trigger point injections
Nerve inflammation (Morton’s neuroma)
Joint pain (due to arthritis or an injury)
Corticosteroid injections work quickly and, in most cases, the substance injected is comprised of different medications (i.e. local anesthetic, B-12 solutions) to achieve the best results.
Sclerotherapy Injections
Sclerotherapy includes diluted alcohol sclerosing injections on nerves and keratototic lesions, such as plantar keratosis, porokeratosis, fibromas and keratoderamas. It is also very effective in the treatment of painful scars and reoccurring fibrous lesions.
Sclerotherapy is becoming a treatment of choice in the case of interdigital neuroma (Morton’s neuroma), nerve entrapments or stump neuromas. Stump neuroma is scar tissue formation after a surgical excision of the nerve.
Sclerotherapy of the nerve is often referred to as chemical sympathectomy since the alcohol solution causes selective nerve degeneration or neurolysis until the nerve is destroyed or ceases to function. This treatment is very effective and research reveals that it has a success rate as high as 82% in the case of interdigital/ Morton’s neuromas.
Prolotherapy is a proliferative injection therapy causing new tissue to grow in areas that are damaged and weak,
mostly in ligaments and tendons. Prolotherapy uses a dextrose solution to initiate the inflammation that causes an increase in the formation of new fibres to increase tensile strength.
Once the area regains strength it will stop sending pain signals to help eliminate musculoskeletal pain. This therapy can be used in both acute and chronic injuries. The response to treatment varies from individual to individual and depends on your healing ability. Some people may only need a few treatments while others may need more.
At KW Foot & Orthotics Clinic, we use this therapy in sports injuries and in joints that need more stability. as it is very effective in treating:
Chronic ankle sprains
Achilles tendonitis
Turf toe
Joint pain due to digital deformities (hammer, claw toes)
Arthritic joint instability
It is important to emphasize that proliferative therapy is NOT a pain treatment. It is a strengthening treatment. As a result, strengthening is the primary effect and reduction of pain is a side effect.