Fungal Nail Laser Therapy
Fungal nail infection is a common foot infection causing yellow, thick, scaly and foul smelling nails. Fungus can be picked up anywhere and it has a tendency to spread quickly. Considering that the infection is mostly in the nail bed underneath the nail plate, it is typically hard to get rid of this infection. Up until now, the only treatment choices consisted of oral and topical medications.
Laser therapy is the fastest and most advanced way to treat a fungal nail infection.
With laser treatment, there are no side effects, no age limitations and the success rate is over 80%. The laser is so sophisticated that it can detect and reach the proper target temperature leading to elimination of the nail fungus without harming healthy tissue or the nail bed. Laser treatment does not cause any pain or discomfort and patients are able to return to their regular activities immediately after treatment.
Patients should notice results within 2 to 4 months, depending on how quickly their toenails grow. On average, it takes 8 to 12 months for the nail to completely grow out.